Buy Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 Cigars Online


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Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022

Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022
Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022

Twenty twenty-two marks the fourth year that Davidoff has unveiled a limited-edition spin on their prized Winston Churchill brand, paying tribute to the statesman and cigar aficionado with a regal smoking experience to match his refined taste. The cigar is dubbed Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022, and is rolled in a shapely 5⅞" x 61 double perfecto format for the first time from any Winston Churchill cigar. For the recipe, Davidoff's master blenders have chosen a mélange of tobaccos to represent each unique smoking style of the original Davidoff Winston Churchill and the darker Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour cigars. This begins with an oily Ecuadorian wrapper, draped over a Mexican San Andrés negro seco binder and diverse fillers of Nicaragua (secos of Condega and Estelí) and the Dominican Republic (piloto mejorado viso and San Vicente mejorado seco and viso). That may be a lot to take in... don't worry, your taste buds will have a much easier time embracing this intricate blend. The Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 cigar delivers a medium-full body, with leather and spice notes being familiar to fans of The Late Hour cigar, while softer characteristics of florals and buttered nuts tie into the original Winston Churchill performance.

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