After making the bold shift from Cuban tobacco/production to the Dominican Republic in the early '90s, Davidoff focused almost entirely on Dominican tobaccos throughout their blends for more than two decades. But in 2013, the company shocked cigar enthusiasts, diving head-on into the realm of Nicaraguan tobacco with the aptly named Davidoff Nicaragua.
Not only are the tobaccos more in line with the fuller-bodied tastes of the contemporary hobbyist, but the presentation and cost follow in tandem, boasting a black rendition of the iconic Davidoff label and prices that are more approachable for everyday cigar enthusiasts. Priding themselves on the world-renowned craftsmanship of the Cigars Davidoff factory in the DR, the Davidoff Nicaragua cigar was not entrusted to a third-party Nicaraguan manufacturer. Instead, Davidoff sourced all-Nicaraguan tobaccos and rolled the cigars right alongside their White Label siblings. The recipe includes a Nicaraguan Habano rosado wrapper, Nicaraguan Habano binder from the Jalapa growing region, and all-Nicaraguan fillers. This makes for a hearty blend with a (not-so) surprising level of balance, sinking into the palate with notes of sweet earth, zesty pepper, espresso, and bittersweet cocoa.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Nicaraguan
*Please not that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Shawn Albers - Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema - 4 Pack (Verified buyer)
A great blend. I prefer the toro and box pressed robusto as it has some more complexity, but this thing is SMOOTH! Cocoa, brownie, brown sugar, leather.
Samual Walker - Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona
I havent had a bad Davidoff yet and this one seems to right on par with there other smokes super solid smoke no frills with the flavor just great!
Ryan Nehus - Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
Not the best cigar I’ve ever had but not the worst. To me these are not worth the money but I know many who love them.
Carlos Line-Torres - Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
If you’re looking for a Davidoff to try for the first time buy this one. It’s one of there fuller blends. Great cigar
JACOB NEELY - Davidoff Nicaragua Toro (Verified buyer)
The Nicaragua Toro is my favorite of Davidoff's regular releases. Nuanced and flavorful Nicaraguan that is unique in its complexity compared to many other similar blends on the market.
Shawn Albers - Davidoff Nicaraguan Box Press Toro - 4 Pack (Verified buyer)
Incredible. The final third in this cigar truly wows me. The flavors and construction are A+
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